Professional Expertise
Born in Germany, Martin Harder grew up in the Middle East, where he was exposed to international perspectives and cultures. He returned to Germany for university, where he studied sociology and economics with a focus on emerging economies and international politics.
Martin’s professional experience includes ten years of managing complex, multi-stakeholder projects in emerging economies (among others in early micro-credit schemes), working organizations from the shop floor to the top-management level, followed by ten years as an OD and change management consultant—supporting leaders to drive learning and innovation in organizations.
Since then, Martin has focused on executive coaching for senior executives and leadership teams confronted with the complexities of the VUCA world of digitization.
Martin’s work with senior executives and senior leadership teams is grounded in his practical experience in operational management and consulting to senior leaders and top teams, during which he combines his insights in organizational dynamics and executive development. Martin has broad experience in very different geographies, cultural settings, and industries. Among them, for-profit companies as well as professional service companies that are subject to a particular set of rules and practices.
Martin practices systemic and solution-focused approaches to change, leadership development, and executive coaching, supporting a variety of client companies in their endeavors to grow great leaders and top teams with strong and ethical business performance. He regularly works with senior leaders facing challenging business transformations, leading across functions and regions, and increasingly, leading virtual teams and business activities.
The Return on Character® methodology underpins this work with a strong conceptual framework that is grounded in benchmarked data and has a universal scope commensurate to the trends of the globalizing business world. Martin works in German, English, and French.
I believe there is always a range of solutions to every challenge. My passion is to motivate executives to seek out all of the options, to explore what they really believe in, and to make well-measured choices.
- M.A. – Sociology and Economics, Free University, Berlin
- Post-Graduate Degree – International Project Management, Technical University, Berlin
- Organization Development Consultancy (Change Management/Coaching/Team Development), BSO-certified/Switzerland
- Served as the VP, Standards for Coaching & Mentoring with the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Germany, 2008-2014
- Coaching (Gunter Schmidt, MEI/Heidelberg)
- Myers-Briggs FIRO® Certification
- Myers-Briggs CPI 260® Certification
- Change Style Indicator (CSI) Certification
- Benchmark 360 Feedback (CCL)
- WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ Certification
- Lominger Voices 360° Feedback/ The Korn Ferry 360 Assessment Certification
- Team Management System (TMS) Accredited Practitioner
- Return on Character® Individual Practitioner