Senior Leadership Character Reputation is One of the Strongest Predictors of Organizational Success
After 7 years, 100+ organizations, and more than 1 million data points, we now know Leadership Character Reputation is one of the strongest predictors of an organization’s success. Senior teams with a strong Character reputation average ~5x greater ROA, +26% Employee engagement, and notably less risk than peers with a self-focused reputation — a Return on Character® (ROC).
The Character Reputation of a senior leader either supercharges or undermines their ability to successfully execute skills they have acquired. A leader’s automatic response patterns to act with integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion influence how effectively their skills are applied.

Almost all key organizational dynamics originate from a senior leadership team’s personal behavior to lead with both their heads and their hearts. The most successful leadership teams have a reputation for being strong in all four areas of acting with integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion.
What is Character?

Can Character Really Change?
We know from quantified research and more than 25 years of experience that with the right first steps, data, and motivation anyone can change. What’s more, there is frequently a significant difference between a leader’s intent and reputation. Most senior leaders have the best instincts when it comes to character; it’s often something they are doing unconsciously or culturally that is causing a disconnect with the workforce.
In fact, for nearly 7 out of 10 senior leaders there is a sizable gap between their intent and Character Reputation. This gap can leave significant value on the table.