The Return on Character® (ROC) Leadership Assessment is designed to assess and unlock executives’ most powerful asset, Leadership Character, which can either supercharge or undermine their ability to successfully execute critical business skills.

It is based on KRW’s ground-breaking research detailed in Return on Character (Harvard Business Review Press) which found that organizations led by high character leaders experience an astonishing ~5x greater return on assets (ROA), 26% higher work-force engagement, and notably less risk as compared to organizations led by self-focused leaders.
What It Tells You
For both teams and individuals, the ROC Leadership Assessment provides personalized feedback on:
The essential habits of Leadership Character that drive the most value in business: Integrity, Responsibility, Forgiveness, and Compassion.
The leadership skills that have higher impact on maintaining sustained positive business results: Decision Making, Vision and Strategic Focus, Accountability, Communication, Collaboration, and Team Leadership.
Five key behaviors that are indicative of impact on organizational systems and lead to high workforce engagement.
The one or two behaviors participants can focus on from the assessment data to have the greatest impact on improving their performance.

How It Works
Leaders invite feedback from relevant stakeholders: managers, peers, direct reports, internal clients, etc., and receive their data in a personalized Insight Session with a certified ROC coach.
All results are benchmarked against our global database of leaders from a broad range of profit and not-for-profit sectors, helping leaders learn how they compare to others and gain clarity about the potential gap between their intent (self-ratings) and their reputation (colleagues’ ratings).
Leaders receive their Predictive Possibilities® report, and in consultation with their coach identify their Keystone Habit so they can focus on one thing that will have the greatest impact.

Why It’s Different from Other 360s
KRW’s predictive analytics leverages the principle from neuroscience that sometimes a habit can spark a chain reaction of other good habits and behaviors that bring indirect benefits beyond the expected ones. This more powerful habit is known as a Keystone Habit.
Our Predictive Possibilities® tool identifies the one or two most powerful behaviors from the assessment data that will not only have the greatest impact on improving performance but also bring other desirable benefits along for the ride—meaning as you improve one habit, other habits and skills will improve at the same time with very little extra effort.
Benefits and Value
- Gain a competitive advantage by going beyond traditional business skills
- Maximize your impact at both the individual and organizational level
- Better understand who you are and your impact on others through humanized data
- Receive quantitative feedback benchmarked against our global database
- Align your leadership behavior with who you want to be
- Identify what unconscious habits might be undermining your leadership that won’t show up on other assessments or in reviews
- Delve deeper than other 360s with detailed qualitative feedback
It’s been a very intensive, effective, and empathetic process… The whole concept of aligning principles, values, beliefs, and behavior was quite psychologically freeing…the ROC process has been intensive and personal, both, in a way that company training just can’t be… My consultant’s knowledge, insight, empathy, and experience, I found to be invaluable.
VP Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion
Diversified Insurance Provider